How to Resolve SQL Server Data Type Error on Dynamics NAV

When you tried to open the Dynamics NAV database with a different build, the SQL data type (VARCHAR(248)) of the Version List field can be change and conflict. With this issue, the following error will come.

"The Object table contains a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment field data type that is not compatible with the SQL Server data type."
Field : Version List
Type: Text 248
SQL type : VARCHAR(80)
Code language: PHP (php)

You can resolve this issue by executing the following SQL query on the relevant database.

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Object]
ALTER COLUMN [Version List] VARCHAR(248) NOT NULLCode language: CSS (css)

Visit the previous tutorial to learn about, how to add Windows users to Dynamics NAV using Windows PowerShell.

Senior Solutions Architect - Microsoft Dynamics Navision / Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and freelance developer. (The admin of NAVUSER)

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